The Lord Mayor’s Appeal - Building a better City for all

A career in the City of London can seem a daunting and perhaps unattainable prospect, particularly for those who cannot see people of their gender or socio-economic background fully represented. The Lord Mayor’s Appeal is working to change that by creating ‘A Better City for All’–one that is inclusive, healthy, skilled and fair.

Alongside fundraising for its partner charities, the Appeal delivers initiatives created to support the learning, development and engagement of people and organisations working in the Square Mile.

Power of Inclusion: London is one of the most diverse cities in the world, yet many people struggle to get a job, progress their careers or feel seen in the workplace.The Lord Mayor’s Appeal aims to increase opportunities for those from diverse socio-economic backgrounds by working with businesses to create a fairer and more inclusive City.

This is Me: The Lord Mayor’s Appeal is committed to changing attitudes around mental health and to creating healthier and more inclusive workplaces by reducing stigma, dispelling myths and improving employee wellbeing.

We Can Be: According to the 2023 Prince's Trust NatWest Youth Index, more than a third of young women feel that a lack of self-confidence is oneof the biggest barriers to achieving their career aspirations. We Can Be aims to boost young women’s confidence in their abilities and encourage them to consider careers in the Square Mile by equipping them with skills and experience, as well as exposure to successful women working in the City today.

A Fair City: City Giving Day forms a core part of the Appeal’s commitment to create a fair society, uniting businesses in the City and beyond by celebrating the positive impact they have for their charity partners and their local communities, through fundraising and volunteering.

From 2021-2024, the Goldsmiths’ Company Charity has supported the Lord Mayor’s Appeal with a grant totalling £30,000.


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