Acquisitions for the Goldsmiths’ Company Collection 2023–24
The gifts, commissions and purchases outlined in this report broaden and extend the story of remarkable contemporary jewellery, silver and medals in the Goldsmiths’ Company Collection, and honour our ongoing commitment to supporting the trade and craft.

The Goldsmiths’ Company has supported excellence, craftsmanship and community ever since it received its first charter in 1327. That commitment was renewed in 1926 in collecting and promoting excellence in contemporary British designer silver, and again in 1961 in collecting studio jewellery. In 1973 the Company developed its outstanding patronage of the contemporary art medal. Its continuing commitment in all three fields is demonstrated in its publications and through its acquisitions for the Company collection, as listed in this annual report. I am grateful to Dr Frances Parton, Deputy Curator, for her contributions, signed FP.
The Coronation year of His Majesty King Charles III was celebrated in three important commissions from leading makers: The Cross of Wales by Michael Lloyd, which led the Coronation procession into Westminster Abbey; the Coronation Slipper buckles by Clive Burr, which were worn during the ceremony; and the Coronation Cup by Clive Burr and Jane Short which featured at the Mansion House banquet marking HM The King’s first entry into the City of London. All these were made with contributions from specialists working in collaboration, showing contemporary British silversmithing at its best. A further commission this year was Ane Christensen’s fine pair of ‘Rambling Candlesticks’ in contrasting metals.
Purchases and gifts have been linked with research for various projects: The Tree Project, celebrating the life and legacy of jeweller and teacher Dorothy Hogg; The Art of Fame on 50 years of support for the contemporary art medal; and the major loan to the Company of Wyre Drawers for their 400th anniversary exhibition. Purchases from the Fair included makers new to the Fair and to the Collection. Remarkable medals and archival material by Jacqueline Stieger and Wendy Ramshaw were acquired at auction as well as Ramshaw’s stunning jewel, ‘Vision One’ from 2000.
Gifts have continued to flow in: Sir Adam Butler’s Court Cup, given by Ed Butler (Third Warden); two Dorothy Hogg and William Kirk rings given by Colin Fraser; Jacqueline Stieger’s ’Peas in Pod’ necklace; a brooch by Barbara Christie given by Jane Barker; and a group of jewels by Stuart Devlin, given through his widow, Carole Devlin. Makers have been generous with gifts of design drawings and archives related to Company commissions. Linda Barnes generously presented the design archive of her husband, Phil Barnes, in his memory.
Our ambitious plans to digitise our Collections will make them freely available online to mark our 700th anniversary in 2027.
Dr Dora Thornton
Curator of the Goldsmiths’ Company Collection