Experience the Trial of the Pyx in 2025 – Now Fully Booked!
The Trial of The Pyx has taken place at Goldsmiths’ Hall, in the City of London since 1871, and in 2025 we are giving a limited number of people the unique opportunity to experience a judicial ceremony which is as important today as it was in 1248!
The Trial of the Pyx is one of the UKs oldest forms of consumer protection. It is an annual ceremony where for more than 700 years, goldsmiths have been responsible for inspecting and scientifically testing the coins produced by the Royal Mint to ensure they meet the standards of precision, accuracy and exceptional craftsmanship for which it is internationally renowned.
In 2025 we are giving a limited number of people (20 members of The Company and 20 members of the public) the unique opportunity to experience a judicial ceremony which is as important today as it was in 1248!
How to book your tickets
All 40 visitors tickets for the 2025 Trial of The Pyx have now been booked. Please sign up for the Goldsmiths’ Company newsletter to be notified when tickets for the 2026 Trial of The Pyx become available.
Essential information
The Trial of The Pyx is free to attend, and space is strictly limited to 40 visitors (20 members of The Company and 20 members of the public) – please note that there is a maximum allocation of two tickets per booking.
Members of The Company (Freemen and Liverymen) must book their tickets through the Members’ Portal.
The trial is held at Goldsmiths’ Hall, Foster Lane, London, EC2V6BN, on Tuesday 11 February 2025
Visitors will need to arrive no earlier than 9:15am to be seated by 9:30am, presenting their digital ticket and photo identification on arrival, before going through airport style security.
You must have a ticket booked in your name to be granted admission.
Proceedings will be completed no later than 12:00pm
Please be aware that elements of the Trial will be captured in both video and still imagery. These images and videos will be used for marketing and communication purposes and by booking tickets, and attending the Trial you grant the Goldsmiths’ Company, The Royal Mint, and any media organisations in attendance permission to use photographs and video that you may feature in.