Jessica Jue

To celebrate International Women’s Day on Saturday 8 March, we put out an open call to women within the Company's membership, asking them to tell their stories, share what motivated them to join us, and fill us in on interesting facts about their lives, careers and aspirations. We were lucky to receive responses from a wide range of members, which we will be publishing in the lead up to International Women’s Day 2025.

Our sixth and final interview in this series is with Freeman Jessica Jue.

  1. Tell us about you and your career

    After studying jewellery and silversmithing at Edinburgh College of Art, I completed a postgraduate silversmithing residency at Bishopsland Educational Trust. In 2018, I moved into the Goldsmiths’ Centre, where I took part in their business incubation course ‘Setting Out’ for two years. During this time, I received invaluable mentoring from industry experts who guided me in establishing my business. While there, I began working with galleries and stockists and actively participated in various shows and exhibitions. After completing the course, I secured my own workshop at the Goldsmiths’ Centre, where I continue to practice and run my silverware and jewellery business.

    My career to date has largely revolved around exhibitions and shows. I have participated in various art fairs, including Goldsmiths’ Fair, Homo Faber, Collect International Art Fair, and Eye of the Collector. I am also the co-founder of FIVE, a metal collective with an ever-evolving group of makers exhibiting in renowned shows. In recent years, I have had the privilege of becoming a Freeman of The Goldsmiths’ Company, which has been a meaningful part of my journey. I’m also grateful that my work has been acquired by collections such as The Goldsmiths’ Company, the V&A Museum, and National Museums Scotland. Additionally, I’ve had the honor of becoming a Freeman of The Wyre Drawers Company, which has also been a wonderful part of my path.

  2. How did you first come to hear about the Goldsmiths’ Company?

    I was first introduced to the Goldsmiths Company bit by bit during my time at Bishopsland, where I participated in some of the events and opportunities they offered. However, my deeper understanding of what the Goldsmiths Company truly represented came when Angela Cork generously offered me a workshop space as I prepared for my first Goldsmiths Fair. It was during this time that I began to see the connections and appreciate the invaluable role the Goldsmiths Company and its Centre play in supporting makers and the craft community. While I didn’t initially link the Goldsmiths Centre with the Company directly, it was through this experience that I began to understand their significance in nurturing and showcasing craftsmanship.

  3. Why did you become a member of the Company?

    The Goldsmiths’ Company has had a significant impact on my professional development from the very start of my career. I have gained invaluable knowledge and experience through my involvement with the Company and the wider industry. Many of my achievements and opportunities have stemmed from The Goldsmiths’ Company, and I consider it a place of mentorship and support. Becoming a member felt like a natural step, as I now believe I am in a position to give back and further contribute. Through working with other organisations and silversmiths, I have come to appreciate that sharing knowledge is just as valuable as receiving support.

  4. What are you involved in at the Company?

    I have been deeply involved with the Company throughout most of my career. I am a regular Goldsmiths' Fair exhibitor and I have collaborated with the Fair to support its objectives in raising the profile of contemporary silver through FIVE, a collective I co-founded. I also have a piece in the Company’s collection and teach silversmithing to apprentices at the Goldsmiths’ Centre. Having been recently made a Freeman, I look forward to becoming even more involved!

  5. How would you describe the Company in three words?

    Supportive, thriving, community

  6. What women have inspired / been important to you in your life and career, and why?

    The ultimate superwoman who has guided me from day one of my career is Angela Cork! A highly renowned silversmith, her energy and drive to engage with the wider industry are truly infectious. Angela has provided me with invaluable mentorship, and together we’ve collaborated on initiatives that create new opportunities for silversmiths. Not only has this been incredibly rewarding, but it’s also been wonderful to have someone to push forward with.

    Angela recently took on the role of Principal at Bishopsland Educational Trust. I’ve always seen her as a born educator, so it’s fantastic to see her embrace this new venture, where she will continue supporting the next generation of silversmiths.

    Another major inspiration is renowned goldsmith Jacqueline Mina. I have admired her since my student years, and now I’m fortunate to work for her part-time. Learning from her and witnessing her craftsmanship up close has been an incredible experience.

    Describing Jacqueline’s work is often difficult for me, it evokes such beauty that I’m overwhelmed with emotion. She is undoubtedly one of the most influential and creatively innovative goldsmiths of our time. I truly believe she has played a significant role in shaping the jewellery world as we know it today, and I feel incredibly lucky and privileged to work with her.

    Last but certainly not least, Penelope Makower - known to us all as Pope! Pope has known me since the very beginning of my career at Bishopsland and is one of the strongest, most determined women I have ever met. Not only did she found something as remarkable as Bishopsland, but she also ran it for 30 years.

    I truly believe Pope has a unique ability to recognise potential in people early on. She sees their strengths and talents and nurtures them. Although I was only at Bishopsland for a year, a few gestures from Pope had a profound impact on shaping my entire career.

  7. What advice would for women who are interested in joining the Goldsmiths’ Company?

    My recommendation is don’t hesitate, apply to join today!


Sarah Hutchison