Latest news
The Goldsmiths’ Company appoints Jos Skeates to its Court of Assistants
The Goldsmiths’ Company has announced the appointment of a new member of its Court of Assistants – Jos Skeates – who has been elected for his commercial, social and environmental experience, and for his contributions to the craft and trade of goldsmithing
Marks of deception: tackling fakes & forgeries in antique British silver
Learn how the Goldsmiths’ Hallmark Authentication Committee and the London Assay Office help to protect consumers and the trade from fakes and forgeries of Antique British Silver, at our Fakes & Forgeries seminar on Friday 12 April 2024.
IT systems issues
The Goldsmiths’ Company and The London Assay Office have been experiencing issues with our IT and services, including access to email and telephones.
London Assay Office service update: 27 February, 17:00
On Friday we updated London Assay Office customers about an issue with one of our IT systems that was affecting our ability to accept or to post out packets and access to the London Assay Office website and emails.
Goldsmiths’ Fair launches new Emerging Business Bursary
The Goldsmiths’ Company is pleased to announce the launch of the Goldsmiths’ Fair Emerging Business Bursary scheme, designed to support craftspeople at the beginning of their careers, and to reflect the many and varied routes that people take to join our trade.
Trial of the Pyx 2024: Flora and Fauna of the British Isles submitted for testing
This year’s Trial of the Pyx marks the final chapter in His Majesty King Charles III’s transition onto British coinage, with eight new definitive coins (1p - £2), featuring designs inspired by the flora and fauna of the British Isles and reflecting the King’s passion for conservation and the natural world submitted for testing.
Film: The Trial of The Pyx - eight centuries of consumer protection
One of the oldest judicial procedures in the United Kingdom, the Trial of The Pyx ensures that coins produced by the Royal Mint meet standards of quality, weight and purity, and is one of the main ways that the Goldsmiths' Company contributes to national life and protects consumers.
Cross of Wales presented to Church in Wales at Goldsmiths’ Hall
Today, the Cross of Wales was presented to the Archbishop of Wales, Andrew John, by the Prime Warden of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, Professor Charles Mackworth-Young, in a short ceremony at Goldsmiths’ Hall in the City of London.
Applications for Goldsmiths’ Fair 2024 are now open
The Fair’s selection panel are looking for applications that show work with an original voice and excellent hand-making, technical and finishing skills. If you've applied before, the panel will be looking for a development of style or technique, combined with ongoing commitment to craft, professionalism and ambition. Most of all, they want to see the authenticity of your work and what makes it unique.
First recipients of new £10m fund to accelerate skills development in the UK announced
The Goldsmiths' Company Charity is delighted to announce the first four recipients of its new £10m Landmark Grants Programme – designed to accelerate skills development in the UK – Aston University Engineering Academy, National Literacy Trust, St Giles, and St. Paul’s Cathedral, who will each receive grants of £500,000 towards their projects.
Addressing diversity in the Goldsmiths’ Company
The Goldsmiths’ Company is committed to creating a respectful, inclusive, supportive community and workplace, and attracting and retaining a diverse membership and workforce that better represent our communities and national society.
Anne-Christina Warburton announced as Clerk and CEO of the Goldsmiths’ Company
The Goldsmiths’ Company is excited to announce that Anne-Christina (Annie) Warburton, CEO of Cockpit (London’s leading centre for contemporary craft) and former Creative Director of The Crafts Council, has been appointed Clerk and CEO, starting in January 2024.
The Goldsmiths’ Company appoints new members to its Court of Assistants
The Goldsmiths’ Company has announced the appointment of three new members of its Court of Assistants – Robert Hayes, Nicola Le Clair and Emma Himsworth KC – who have been elected for their commercial, financial, charity and legal experience, and for their contributions to the craft and trade of jewellery and silversmithing.
Consultant physician Charles Mackworth-Young CVO becomes the 696th Prime Warden
The Goldsmiths’ Company is delighted to announce that Charles Mackworth-Young has taken office as Prime Warden, in succession to Mark Bridges (Lord Bridges).
First King Charles III coins pass the Trial of the Pyx
The King’s Remembrancer, has today pronounced a positive verdict on the nearly 10,000 coins submitted by The Royal Mint at the Trial of the Pyx in February, which included the first official UK coins bearing His Majesty King Charles III’s effigy.
The Cross of Wales: A historic commission by the Goldsmiths’ Company
The Goldsmiths’ Company has led on the making of a historic commission of a new processional cross for the Church in Wales – the Cross of Wales. It was today announced by the Church in Wales that the Cross of Wales, designed and made by master silversmith Michael Lloyd, will lead the Coronation procession at Westminster Abbey on 6 May.
London Assay Office applies first King Charles III Coronation marks
To celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, the Goldsmiths’ Company London Assay Office have begun applying a new commemorative mark to items made of gold, silver, platinum and palladium.
First King Charles III coins are tested at this year's Trial of the Pyx
The Royal Mint has today submitted nearly 10,000 coins for testing at the UK’s oldest judicial ceremony, the Trial of the Pyx, held at Goldsmiths’ Hall in the City of London.
King Charles III visits the Goldsmiths’ Centre on its 10th Anniversary
His Majesty King Charles III has been helping to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the Goldsmiths’ Centre today, by visiting trainees and apprentices at its workshops and exhibition space near Hatton Garden, London’s famous jewellery quarter.
The Goldsmiths’ Company expands apprenticeships outside of London for the first time in 700 years
Today, The Goldsmiths’ Company welcomed nine aspiring craftspeople, along with their friends and families, to Goldsmiths’ Hall to mark the start of their Goldsmiths’ Company Apprenticeship. Along with being a pivotal moment in these young people’s careers, today’s ceremony was of great significance to the Goldsmiths’ Company, which with this cohort of apprentices, marked the expansion of its Apprenticeship Scheme to areas outside of London and the South-East for the first time in 700-years.